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Boost Your Store Traffic with Digital Signage

Featured image for the blog post 'Boost Your Store Traffic With Digital Signage.' The image portrays a store clerk and a customer in a retail shop, illustrating the potential increase in customer interactions and foot traffic through effective use of digital signage.

Our Blog Boost Your Store Traffic with Digital Signage Convenience stores face unique challenges in attracting and retaining customers due to their small size and limited product offerings. To overcome these hurdles, c-stores can utilize innovative technology to enhance the customer experience. Digital signage, in particular, has proven to be an effective solution for driving […]

Digital Signage: How Your Hospital Can Use It To Engage And Educate Patients

The title graphic for our comprehensive blog post, 'Digital Signage: How Your Hospital Can Use It To Engage and Educate Patients'. The image depicts a typical hospital lobby scene with one person engrossed in their phone and another reading a newspaper. This everyday scenario highlights the potential of digital signage to capture attention and provide information in a healthcare setting. Learn how digital signage can revolutionize patient engagement and education in hospitals, enhancing care efficiency and patient experience.

In healthcare technology, digital signage is emerging as a potent solution to address patient communication in medical facilities. Delivering precise and timely health-related information to patients is critical to foster robust relationships with them. According to a 2021 article by Patient Safety Network, open dialogue between medical professionals and patients and their families can widen […]

The Working Dead: 5 Technologies to Terminate From Your Office Today

Explore the essential MCC Blog post, 'The Working Dead - 5 Technologies to Terminate from Your Office Today'. The image illustrates a skeleton working at a computer, symbolizing outdated technology that could be hindering your business productivity. Learn about practical and innovative solutions that can replace obsolete technology and elevate your business operations to new levels of efficiency.

Technology is constantly evolving, which means that old, outdated technologies are constantly being placed on the endangered technology list, and eventually becoming extinct altogether. Employees should be provided with technology that will help increase their productivity by saving time and effort, reducing human error, and driving speed of service to customers. Outdated technologies, or cobbled-together […]

We Love Digital

The Customer Experience is everything. These days, marketers have to overcome the effects an increasingly digitized lifestyle has on the brain. According to a report from Microsoft, humans generally lose focus after 8 seconds. Before the mobile revolution began in the year 2000, the average attention span was 12 seconds. This means a marketer must work harder […]

7 Examples for Using Digital Signage in Your Retail Business

7 Examples for Using Digital Signage in Your Retail Business

By now, you are sure to have seen digital signage in some form in your daily life. From digital billboards to kiosks in the doctor’s office or hospital, digital signage is everywhere. For example, the menu boards at your local fast food joints are most likely digital signage.  This allows the business to maximize space […]