Top 9 Reasons to Buy a New Copier

If you’re still using a dinosaur copier or expensive commercial printers, it’s time for an upgrade. You know that. Your employees know that. The only question left is how to choose the right printer for your business needs. You want something that will last and keep up with your company’s growth—and we can help!
At MCC, we install new technologies at businesses across Tennessee and Mississippi every day, meaning we’ve seen first-hand what works and what doesn’t. We’ll show you which features will help increase your productivity and reduce costs. This way, your team will always have access to the latest technology while enjoying savings on printing costs.
Scan to Email with Large File Sizes –Toshiba eStudio How-To Videos Series Part 7
Welcome to week 7 of our 10 part how-to video series. Last week we talked about Cloud applications builtin to your new Toshiba copier. This week, we discuss scanning to email when the file size exceeds the limit setup by your email administrator.
Embedded OCR — Toshiba eStudio How-To Video Series Part 5
Welcome back to Part 5 of our Toshiba How-To Video series. These video tutorials are designed to introduce you to the features of your new eStudio series MFP. This week we will learn about the builtin OCR (Optical Character Recognition) settings of your copier.
Private Print — Toshiba eStudio How -To Video Series Part 4
Welcome back to the Toshiba eStudio how-to video series designed to help you utilize the features of your new eStudio copier and MFP. Last week we discussed Multi-Station Printing in part 3 of this 10-part series. Today we will learn about Private Print.
Multi-Station Print — Toshiba eStudio How-To Video Series Part 3
Welcome back to the Toshiba eStudio series of how-to videos. In previous videos (Part 1 & Part 2), we discussed simplifying complex copy jobs with Job Build and Job Templates. Today, we are going to switch gears and discuss printing. Multi-station printing to be exact.