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Page Properties

Page Properties In Page Properties, you can adjust the properties of the currently selected page. Options may change based on selections made. Background Type Image and Color: Set a media file as a background or a color.   Video: Set a video file as the background and adjust the hardware acceleration and volume.   HDMI […]

Using Size and Position

Using Size and Position You can set your element’s height, width, and placement in the Size and Position menu.   Easily set the width and height by selecting 1/1 (full) – 1/2 (half) – 1/4 (quarter) of the content’s width or height. Position your content vertically or horizontally with one of the 3 easy options. […]

Using Fonts

Using Fonts The Fonts menu allows you to adjust the font, size, style, spacing, etc. Menu Details: Font Size: you can adjust the font size from 6-300 Font Family: Select from the built-in font families or upload your font by clicking on the + icon to the right of the dropdown. Learn about supported Font […]

Using Animations

Using Animations The Animation menu allows you to animate your element in multiple ways. You can set an entrance and/or exit animation for each element. You can also set a delay for both entrance and exit animations so your animation will start after a specified time. You can also set a repeat animation and delay […]

About Widget Properties

About Widget Properties The Widgets Properties are located to the right of the canvas in the Properties Sidebar. Each Widget has its own unique properties, but several are common to all Widgets; Animation, Colors, Fonts, and Size/Position.

Layers Sidebar

Layers Sidebar The Layers panel is located on the bottom right corner of the content editor. You can rearrange layers by dragging them vertically. The order of your layers will determine where those elements are positioned in the foreground or background of the page. The position of layers can cause certain elements to not be […]

Pages Sidebar

Pages Sidebar The Pages sidebar is located on the far left side of the Contents Editor page. Overlay page:  An overlay page can be used to show the same widgets on every page without adding them to each individual page. For example, if you want the date and time in the top right corner of […]

Content Preview

Content Preview You can preview your content without leaving the editor. The content will open in a new browser window, allowing you to see how it will look on your screen. Different types of preview modes: Preview from Start: Your content will be displayed starting from the first page (the default page). Preview from Current: […]

Content Snapshot and Undo/Redo

Content Snapshot Our editor auto-saves your content while you make changes, but it is important to remember to save your content manually. When you save your content, the editor makes a snapshot of your progress. You can see these snapshots by hovering over the Content Snapshot icon Inside the snapshot dropdown menu, you can see […]

How to use the editor

How to Use the Editor   1. Canvas: The center section of the editor screen is the canvas. This is where you will drag and drop widgets to design your slide.   2. Top Toolbar: The toolbar directly above the canvas contains the Zoom, Load Content Snapshot, Undo/Redo, Toggle all Helper Lines, Reload Datasource, Save, […]