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Shared Folder

Shared folders are cloud-based folders that can be connected to MCC Media from your Google or Microsoft accounts. Contents inside these folders can be used inside your Content and Loops. Shared Folders allow you to add files directly to your Google or Microsoft folder for use in your signage content. With widgets that pull images from a folder directly, your content is automatically updated when a new file is added to your cloud folder.

How to Connect Shared Folders:

  1. From the Settings menu, select the Cloud Integration (cloud icon) option. Pick your cloud platform and add your credentials.
    1. Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive and Microsoft Sharepoint are available
  2. Go to File Manager, click on the + sign, and choose the Connect Shared Folder option.
  3. Select your credential provider, Google of Microsoft
  4. Select the credentials you setup in step 1
  5. Choose a Sync Mode option to maintain synchronization between the cloud folder and MCC Media
    1. Download Once: the files in the cloud folder will only be downloaded once
    2. Replace File on Change: this option will download new or changed files to the MCC Media folder and keep the Media folder up to date.
  6. Select the cloud folder you wish to add and then click on connect



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